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Article 1 The Party Constituted 1.1 The name of this body will be Pakistan Ittehad Yaqeen Tanzeem Party. It is one completely privately owned, copy right protected and registered body that conducts mainly political, educational, social and community work. The body constituted is the Pakistan Ittehad Yaqeen Tanzeem Party. Hereafter in this document it is referred to as the Party.
Article 2 Definition of the Constitution and Bylaws 2.1 All the activities of persons operating on behalf of the Party, and the responsibilities, rights and duties of its Council, Committees and Membership shall be governed by this Constitution and Bylaws. 2.2 Any Bylaw or decision of the membership that is inconsistent with the Constitution shall be null and void because the Constitution shall have precedence over the Bylaws in all circumstances just as the Constitution and Bylaws shall have precedence over, any membership decision..
Article 3 Basis of Unity in the Party 3.1 To provide an evolving social, educational and political structure in form of a movement to enhance Pakistan and her image and standing in the world. 3.2 To increase awareness regarding capacities of the people of Pakistan, and the people of Pakistan descent wherever they may reside, and hence achieve and sustain; democratic, diverse, peaceful, progressive, safe and secure Pakistan.
Article 4 Purpose of the Party 4.1 The Party’s purpose is to advance its Basis of Unity, and thus to contribute to the welfare of Pakistan and people of Pakistan or of Pakistan descent. 4.2. The Party shall field and elect candidates in National Assembly elections of Pakistan from whichever constituencies possible at the time. 4.3. The Party shall field and elect candidates in Provincial Assembly elections of Pakistan from whichever constituencies possible at the time. 4.4. The Party shall form the Federal Government of Pakistan and/or Provincial Government of Pakistan when elected to do so and debate legislation in the Pakistan National Parliament and/or Provincial Assembly when elected to do so in opposition.
Article 5 Superintendence and Accountability 5.1. All individual members shall be accountable to the Party membership in a General Meeting, and/or the Executive meeting when the membership is not in General Meeting or if the Executive chooses to do so. 5.2. Decisions of the Executive Committee shall have precedence over decisions of Members in General Meeting in all circumstances. 5.3. All nominations, selections and approvals for any seats in National Assembly elections, Provincial Assembly elections or Party Executive elections under the Party Act of Pakistan shall be done by the Executive Council of the Party and signed by the Party Chairman. 5.3. In the process of all nominations, selections and approvals for any seats in National Assembly elections, Provincial Assembly elections or Party Executive elections under the Party Act of Pakistan, the Executive Council shall seek opinion of the General membership but will not be bound to by it. 5.4 The Party shall be empowered to hold, lease, receive, purchase and convey all manners of property, both real and personal, accept and receive donations, legacies and bequests; to borrow or lend money; to invest its funds as it so chooses. 5.5. The Party shall be empowered to own, publish, conduct, and circulate such literature as will further its expressed purposes; to name and appoint such managers and employees as its interests and convenience may require; and otherwise to do and perform all acts and things requisite and necessary to carry out the aims and objectives of this Party. 5.6. Selection of Candidates for Member of Provincial or National Assembly 5.6.1 Any Party member interested in contesting Provincial Assembly and/ or National Assembly elections shall be assessed by a panel of experts for leadership skills. If necessary an appropriate training shall be provided. If deemed suitable by the panel, the members shall be added to the ‘Candidates List’. 5.6.2. Only Party members on the ‘Candidates List’ may apply for prospective seat to contest Provincial Assembly or National Assembly seats. 5.6.3. Prospective candidates from the ‘Candidates List’ shall be approved by the Executive Council of the Party for the Provincial and/ or National Assembly seats upon such elections. In so doing, the Executive Council shall seek consultation with the Party’s Local Association. 5.6.4. Candidates for Provincial Assembly and National Assembly seats shall apply on the subscribed application form to the Candidates Secretary and only upon invitation for applications by the Candidates Office. 5.6.5. The candidates Secretary shall scrutinise the applications before passing them to the Party’s Local Association, who may choose to, and only upon approval by the Executive Council to do so, hold one or two rounds of interviews. 5.6.6. Where there shall be more than one candidate being interviewed by the Party’s Local Association, then the candidate with either more than (50) fifty percent votes or straight majority of votes from the local membership in attendance shall be recommended to the Executive Council for approval. The Executive Council may approve or disapprove upon its discretion. 5.6.7. Any decision by the Executive Council to select, reject or deselect a candidate for Provincial Assembly or National Assembly seat shall be final and not open to challenge or explanation, whereas a written list of reasons for such action will be provided to the candidate dually signed by the Party Chairman. 5.6.8. Where no Party’s Local Association exists, candidates will be selected in accordance with a process determined by executive Council. 5.6.9. Where there are no Party Members in an electoral district, selection of a candidate shall be by the Executive Council.
Article 6 Party Membership 6.1. A member is defined under this Constitution and the Bylaws as an individual who meets the Party's membership criteria 6.2 A leader is defined under this Constitution and the Bylaws as an individual who the Party’s Executive Council filed Leader. 6.3. All members of the Executive Council of the Party shall have basic minimum qualification of Bachelors Degree or equivalent from a recognised University. In case of students they shall be in full time education and working towards a Bachelors Degree 6.4. All members shall comply with the Constitution, By laws, rules and regulations of the Party. 6.5. The full membership of the Party shall include Pakistan nationals and people of Pakistan descent only. They shall be resident in any part of the world. 6.6. Membership application shall be discussed and granted only by the Executive Committee in complete or with a minimum of three members of the Executive Council. 6.7. The members shall have all dues paid and shall be entitled to all of the privileges of the Party including the right to vote and hold office. The Membership Secretary shall notify the Media and Publications Secretary of any member who may have arrears or dues asking to send communication to said member to such effect. 6.8. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of religion, gender, race or ethnic origin in the membership of the Party. 6.9. Associate membership shall be granted to those who are not Pakistan nationals or are not of Pakistan descent provided they shall not be nationals of countries in rivalry to Pakistan. 6.10. The Associate members shall not be eligible to contest or be nominated to the Executive Council of the Party. 6.11. The Associate members shall not be eligible to be nominated or elected as candidates for National Assembly elections of Pakistan. 6.12. The Associate members shall not be eligible to be nominated or elected as candidates for Provincial Assembly elections of Pakistan. 6.13. The full Membership or Associate Membership dues shall be determined by the Executive Council and all members and Associate Members shall have to pay these. 6.14. The term of the annual dues shall be from 1st January to 31st December. 6.15. Any member whose dues are not paid by 31st January shall be considered in arrears and shall thereupon not be eligible to hold an office in the Party, but may vote as long as all dues are met prior to election. 6.16. The Executive Committee will maintain an up-to-date directory of members. 6.17. The personal details of membership shall not be made public unless permission is so granted, and shall be a sole property of the Party. 6.18. The members’ data shall include name, gender, and date of birth, address, telephone numbers, qualifications, employment, publications, special interests, special skills, and e-mail addresses. 6.18. The Party Membership Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining privacy of the personal data of the membership. 6.19. Where conduct of a member should fall below expected of a good citizen or be antagonistic to the Constitution, by laws, rules, regulations, principles, values and beliefs of the Party, and through whatsoever resource it should come to the attention of the Party Chairman, then the case shall be discussed in the next Executive Council meeting. 6.19.1. The Party Chairman may choose to convene an interim panel meeting of three Executive Council members which may take any disciplinary action against the member including exclusion pending full enquiry in future to start no later than six weeks thereupon. 6.19.2 The interim Executive may; take no action, place binding restrictions on the member, or suspend his/her membership pending full enquiry for a maximum of (18) eighteen months and reviewing every 6 months. 6.19.3. The member under consideration shall be provided opportunity by the Executive Council to attend the disciplinary hearing during further enquiries, which may consume many meetings or single. 6.19.4. The member under consideration shall be provided opportunity by the Executive Council to have one accompanying representative attend the disciplinary hearing during further enquiries, which may consume many meetings or single 6.19.5. The accompanying representative of the member under consideration who is provided opportunity by the Executive Council to attend the disciplinary hearing during further enquiries, which may consume many meetings or single shall be compulsorily himself/herself be a paid member of the Party and of good standing.. 6.19.6. The Executive Council upon making further enquiries, which may consume many meetings or single; either exonerate and take no action, place binding restrictions on the member, suspend his/her membership for unspecified period, remove from the membership for limited period or for ever. 6.19.7. The decision of the Executive Council shall be final, binding and not open to challenge only upon written endorsement by the Party Chairman. 6.19.8. Minutes of the disciplinary proceedings of the member under consideration shall be documented for future reference of the Executive Council but shall not be in the public domain. The member under consideration shall not be provided access to these minutes under any circumstances. 6.19.9. The Party Chairman shall have highest understanding of and hence responsibility in upholding the party’s ethos. Therefore the Party Chairman shall have the power to veto any decision made by the Executive Council. 6.19.10. The Party Chairman shall have highest understanding of and hence responsibility in upholding the party’s ethos henceforth the Party Chairman shall have total immunity from all disciplinary procedures.
Article 7 Standing Officers and Executive Council 7.1. The Executive Council shall be the governing body of the Party. 7.2. The Executive Council of the Party shall consist of seven (7) Executive members including the Chairman, Secretary, and five Assistant Secretaries. 7.3. The Executive Council shall consist of three “Elected” and four “Nominated” members 7.4. The Party shall have power to authorise the appointment of standing and ad-hoc committees. 7.5. The Executive Council shall govern the financial aspects of the Party, as these were discharged by the qualified chartered accountants of the Party who would be contracted to be responsible for safekeeping of all financial records and audits. 7.6. Every full member of the Party shall be eligible for voting, proposing, applying or nomination for election to the Executive Council. 7.6.1. All “Elected” but not “Nominated” candidates for the election of the Executive Council of the Party shall be proposed by one paid member and seconded by two other paid members of good standing. 7.6.2 All “Elected” but not “Nominated” candidates for the election of the Executive Council of the Party shall submit their manifesto in standardised format to the Executive Council who will send it to all the membership for voting on a ballot paper to be returned within 40 days. 7.6.3. Candidate with maximum votes obtained through clause 7.6.1 and 7.6.2 shall be elected to the Executive Council. 7.6.4. Three Executive Council members shall be elected by the paid members of the Party 7.6.5. Four “Nominated” Executive Council members shall be nominated by the Chairman of the Party every two years to serve as “Nominated” Executive Council Members until their successors are elected and installed. Thereupon it shall make a total of seven Executive members to the Council. 7.6.6. All Executive Council Members of the Party shall be either Pakistan nationals or holders of Pakistan Identity card or citizenship of Pakistan, although may not domicile or reside in Pakistan. 7.7 The three “Elected” and four “Nominated” members of the Executive Council shall in turn further elect from within itself the offices by process of one proposing and two seconding by the Executive Council members only. 7.8. No “Elected” members of Executive Council shall be eligible for election to any office for more than three consecutive terms unless two thirds of the members waive this restriction in the Annual General Meeting or be nominated by the Party Executive Council. 7.9 No period or consecutive term restrictions to hold office shall exist for the “Nominated” Executive Council members. 7.10. If any “Elected” Executive Council Member is deemed by the Party Chairman to lack team work, be uncooperative or not attend six consecutive Executive Council meetings without reason or notice, then he/she will be asked to step down from the position. 7.10.1 If any “Nominated” Executive Council Member is deemed by the Party Chairman to lack team work, be uncooperative or not attend ten consecutive Executive Council meetings without reason or notice, then the Chairman shall decide a necessary course of action as considered appropriate. This decision by the Party Chairman shall be final and binding. 7.10.2. The position shall be considered vacant if any “Elected” or “Nominated” Executive Council Member resigns 7.10.3. If the “Elected” Executive Council post becomes vacant, the Executive Council shall nominate a temporary successor for the unexpired term 7.10.4. If the “Nominated” Executive Council post becomes vacant, the Party Chairman shall nominate a temporary successor for the unexpired term. 7.10.5. Any decision, amendment in Constitution or By Law by the Executive Council shall require approval of at least three “Nominated” members alone or two “Nominated” with two “Elected” members that shall be recommended to the Party Chairman in writing. Any such decision, amendment in Constitution or By Law shall only be considered enacted when the Party Chairman signs his/her approval. 7.10.6. The Party Chairman shall have highest understanding of and hence responsibility in upholding the party’s ethos. Therefore the Party Chairman shall have the power to veto any decision, amendment in Constitution or By Laws recommended by the Executive Council despite having the approval of at least three “Nominated” members alone or two “Nominated” with two “Elected” members. 7.10.7 General Meetings shall consist of a quorum of twenty five (25) Party members of good standing physically present, who have one vote, and upon invitation by the Party Secretary and also upon approval of the Party Chairman. 7.10.8 General Meetings shall be held at least once every three years providing (40) days notice to Members to call such a General Meeting in accordance with the Bylaws and article 7.10.7, unless Special General Meetings of Members which shall be called in accordance with the Bylaws and article 7.10.7 within (15) fifteen days. 7.11. The Executive Council: The duties of the Executive Council shall include: 7.11.1. The conducting and presiding of all meetings and group activities of the Party. 7.11.2. Delegating the conducting and presiding of all meetings and group activities of the Party. 7.11.3. Electing to positions of offices the members that are nominated or elected to the Executive Council. 7.11.4. Monitor performance of each officer and take actions as necessary. 7.11.5. Determine dates for Executive Council meetings. 7.12. The Executive Council shall meet at least every four months but for any urgent issue, the Party President shall convene extra meetings. 7.13. The minutes of the Executive Council meetings shall not be available to its membership or general public
7.14. The Party Chairman: The duties of the Party Chairman shall include: 7.14.1. Have the highest understanding of and hence responsibility in upholding the party’s ethos. 7.14.2. Serve for his/her life time as the Party Chairman in order to implement ideological continuity unless resignation is desired by personal choice or loss of mental capacity to make informed decision. 7.14.3. To nominate during his/her serving life a maximum of three future Party Presidents one to follow the other in consecutive sequence. 7.14.4. Chair the annual general meeting of the membership unless he/she nominates somebody else. 7.14.5. Chair the Executive Council meetings unless he/she nominates somebody else. 7.14.6. Serve as official spokesperson of the Party unless he/she nominates somebody else. 7.14.7. Appoint all future committees of the Party subject to approval by the Executive Council. 7.14.8. Represent the Party at meetings of other political Parties in Pakistan and abroad unless he/she nominates somebody else.
7.15. The General Secretary: The duties of the General Secretary shall include: 7.15.1. Record the minutes of the Executive Council meetings and the Annual General Meeting of the membership unless he/she nominates somebody else to do so. 7.15.2. Supervise and maintain a permanent record of all official minutes of the Party for submission to company records. 7.15.3. Ensure that all arrangements for the holding of meeting are in compliance with the wishes of the Executive Council and as per the constitution and By Laws.
7.16. The Membership Secretary: The duties of the Membership Secretary shall include: 7.16.1 Supervise and maintain an up-to-date record/data of the members for submission to the Party records 7.16.2. Ensure that personal details of membership shall not be made public unless permission is so granted, and shall be a sole property of the Party. 7.16.3. Maintain the members’ data that shall include name, gender, and date of birth, address, telephone numbers, qualifications, employment, publications, special interests, skills, and e-mail addresses. 7.16.4. Notify the Media and Publications Secretary of any member who may have arrears or dues asking to send communication to said member.
7.17. The Media and Publication Secretary: The duties of the Media and Publications Secretary shall include: 7.17. 1. Supervise all publications on behalf of the Party Chairman including editing of the Newsletter and Website of the Party. 7.17.2 Send out all official notices of meetings, committee appointments, special committee assignments, and elections to office. 7.17.3 Notify members about any arrears or dues on such notification in return by the Membership Secretary. 7.17.4. Send communication to members on the Annual General Meeting, elections, any proposed changes, and dissolution if required on behalf of the Chairman. 7.17.5. Shall not send out any communication in any manner what so ever or extent what so ever, without the prior written approval of the Chairman or the Executive Council.
7.18: The Candidates Secretary The duties of the Candidates Secretary shall include: 7.18.1. Arrange days for Assessment of the Party members for the suitability to contest Provincial Assembly and/or National Assembly elections. Thus prepare the ‘Candidates List’ through proper training and assessment procedures. 7.18.2. Upon the Party Chairman’s request, invite applications from members on the ‘Candidates List’ for selection to the Provincial Assembly and/or the National Assembly seats, and in doing so communicate through the Media and Publication Secretary. 7.18.3. Receive on the subscribed form the candidates’ application for selection to the Provincial Assembly and/or the National Assembly. 7.18.4. Scrutinise the applications with the Executive Council and pass them to the Party’s Local Association 7.18.5. Discuss and decide with the Executive Council if the Party’s Local Association is in the position to hold one or two rounds of interviews with candidates. 7.18.6. Bring fairness in selection process of candidates. 7.18.7. Ensure that if there shall be more than one candidate being interviewed by the Party’s Local Association, then the candidate with either more than (50) fifty percent votes or straight majority of votes from the local membership in attendance is recommended to the Executive Council for approval. 7.18.8. Seek approval from the Executive Council for candidates for Provincial Assembly and/or National Assembly seats, and only upon receiving signatures of the Party Chairman intimate the Publication and Media Secretary so that the candidate may be informed by him/her of whatever the final outcome may be. He/she shall be added to the ‘Prospective Candidate List’ 7.18.9. Maintain and develop both ‘Candidates List’ as well as the ‘Prospective Candidate List’. 7.18.10. Develop chances to win elections for those members who are selected to be candidates for Provincial Assembly and/or National Assembly seats and are placed on the ‘Prospective Candidate List’.
Article 8 The Party Cabinet 8.1. The Party Chairman shall appoint members to Cabinet if in the government or Shadow Cabinet if in opposition or not in the government, as the case may be, from among members of the Party with a good standing. 8.2. The Party Chairman may replace members of the Cabinet or Shadow Cabinet as he/she sees fit. 8.3. The Party Chairman may appoint two Deputy Chairmen. 8.4. The Cabinet or the Shadow Cabinet, as the case may be, shall be responsible for establishing all written procedures for a grassroots policy development process and thereupon publishing these procedures on behalf of the party.
Article 9 Dissolution of the Party 9.1. Dissolution of the Party shall only become effective upon a greater than ninety five (95) percent of the votes by all the membership in good standing, and passing an identically worded resolution through a mailed vote within (40) forty days of notice, and upon not without the approval of the Party Chairman. 9.2. The Party Chairman shall have the power to veto any vote by general membership, in whatever majority, to dissolute the Party just as he/she shall have the power to implement such dissolution in absence of any vote from the general membership at all. 9.3. The Party's assets may be transferred only after (40) forty days and before (60) sixty days of completion of such dissolution.
Article 10 Financial Procedures 10.1. The Party shall be empowered to hold, lease, receive, purchase and convey all manners of property, both real and personal, accept and receive donations, legacies and bequests; to borrow or lend money; to invest its funds as it so chooses. 10.2. The Party Chairman shall have power to: 10.2.1 Appoint a person to be the registered agent of the Party in a Local Association, who may issue tax receipts and maintain books for that Local Association 10.2.2. Revoke the agency and dismiss the registered agent from office at Local Association. 10.3. The Local Associations may undertake fundraising activities within the legal framework but all collections should be documented and accounted for. 10.4. No borrowing on behalf of the Party shall be authorised. 10.5. When not acting honestly or in good faith, and not exercising due diligence within the scope of their authority under the Party’s Constitution, bylaws, and other duly passed Party rules, any member, volunteer, employee, officer, director, member of any committee established by the Party, functionary, or any other person duly acting in any approved capacity on behalf of the Party shall be himself/herself liable for any debts, actions, claims, demands, liabilities or commitments of any kind of the Party howsoever incurred. The Party shall not indemnify and hold harmless each such person against any such debt, action, claim, demand, liability or commitment whatsoever. 10.6. The party shall submit for audit to the Election Commission of Pakistan the annual detailed accounts summary, dually prepared by registered accountants, appointed by the Party Chairman.
Article 11 Party Aims and objectives 11.1. The aims and objectives of the Party constituted herewith shall be amenable to change according to the developments in current affairs and as the needs of Pakistan, the people of Pakistan or the people of Pakistan descent evolve. Given allowance for that, the manifesto stands as below: 11.2. Islam as in the Holy Quran shall be the sole guide and Prophet Muhammad PBUH shall be the main source of all inspiration. 11.3. Democracy shall be the Party’s principle of practice. The Party shall support and strive for democratic processes and procedures in Pakistan. The Party shall work so that all citizens have the right to express their views, and are able to directly participate in the economic, environmental, political and social decisions and policies which affect their lives. 11.4. The best politics shall be that of the thinkers. The Party shall provide a forum for thinkers in various fields, for sharing their knowledge and experience with fellow members and the public, thus aim to bring benefit to Pakistan, the people of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan descent. 11.5. Only good social fabric shall ensure a better future for Pakistan. The Party shall have free discussion on matters relating to Pakistan, its people and the people of Pakistan descent, and work at grass root levels to bring a change in the social structure of Pakistan. 11.6. People power shall be paramount. Individuals with specific skills of any nature shall be availed to the benefit of Pakistan, the people of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan descent. The Party shall search for, identify, categorise, develop and mobilise the skill base of Pakistan, the people of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan descent. 11.7. Education shall empower people. The Party shall aim to educate people of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan descent at their individual levels of abilities and learning capabilities. Party shall avail the strength of educational curriculum in Pakistan to bring vocation, critical thinking, awareness and competitiveness in the youth of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan descent. 11.8. The Party shall operate on grounds of a new vision of citizenship built upon equal rights for all individuals. Party shall be open to people from all races except any that antagonise the interest of Pakistan, the people of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan descent. Party’s activities shall benefit the members, People of Pakistan or people of Pakistan descent and other non-Pakistani communities legally living in Pakistan regardless of gender, race, age, religion, class, ethnicity, disability, wealth or health. 11.9. Party shall be defined on clear principles that Pakistan is a democratic, diverse, peaceful, progressive, safe and secure country of the world. The Party shall do everything to uphold these principles. The Party shall bring to the people of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan descent more political awareness and recognition of individual’s human rights, responsibilities and duties. 11.10. Pakistan shall be governed as a Federal state with defined political national map and borders, having individual component provinces that add up to make the whole country. The Party shall acknowledge that there is a wide diversity of cultures, resources, short falls and strengths of different provinces but they shall be shared in a fair manner to achieve best outcomes for Pakistan, the people of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan descent. The Party shall work to help different communities in Pakistan to integrate and understand each other better and achieve complete community cohesion. 11.11. Pakistan’s borders shall be defended with a strong defence policy and Defence Force. The defence capability shall be matched with the needs. 11.12. Pakistan’s sovereignty shall be respected by not allowing any external interference in her domestic affairs. The Party shall adopt a Foreign policy that would work towards easing visa requirements for people of Pakistan wishing to travel overseas and encourage foreign investment into Pakistan. The Party shall enable the Pakistani Diaspora overseas to uphold their Pakistani identity, culture and values while living abroad and feel comfortable to return home. The Party shall work to bring together those people of Pakistan descent residing abroad, who have made numerous achievements in a spectrum of different fields, and mobilise there achievements to the benefit of Pakistan. 11.13. The developmental needs of Pakistan shall be identified and defined in context of today’s world of change and uncertainty. The Party shall aim to tackle problem of extremism through social engineering. 11.14. Efforts shall be made to achieve a strong economy. The Party shall work towards enhancing business and trade opportunities both locally and nationally. Party shall develop upon Information Technology, manpower and human resources, service sector and manufacturing. 11.15. Food economy shall be assured. The Party shall take a stance that Pakistan is an agricultural land and should be able to get self sufficient in food production. Agriculture shall form the backbone of economy in Pakistan. Only the people of Pakistan or the people of Pakistan descent shall be able to own agricultural land in Pakistan even to the smallest acreage. 11.16. The Party shall continually promote Education, Training and Employment opportunities for the people of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan descent by thinking about reasons for their lack hitherto, proposing and implementing correct solutions. 11.17. The specific values of all forms of life, including non-human species shall be respected. The Party shall ensure the preserve biodiversity and the resilience of life supporting systems and the integrity of ecosystems. World environment shall be protected and green string shall be observed in making all Party policy issues. 11.18. The Party shall aim to provide a peaceful and secure environment to the citizens through enhancing awareness, community cohesion, establishing a strong judiciary with common people having easy access to law, engineering social mobility, and achieving equality and diversity. 11.19. The Party shall be committed to a non-violence approach in achieving it’s aims and objectives. 11.20. In all policy making, the Party shall seek guidance from the principles and values strived by Quaid-e-Azam, Mr Muhammad Ali Jinnah upon founding the Federation of Pakistan.
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